Sep 9 – 13, 2024
Europe/Madrid timezone

Prizes (new!)

Best talk prize:

1) Yiding Zhao
"A high rate and high timing photoelectric detector prototype with RPC structure"

2) Ryotaro Koike
"A TOF-tracker MRPC for simultaneous measurements of timing and position at the 𝝅20 beamline of J-PARC"

3) Luca Quaglia
"Signal shape studies and rate dependence of HFO-based gas mixtures in RPC detectors"

Best poster prize:

1) Zubayda Eve
"Preliminary aging studies of improved RPC gaps operated with HFO based mixtures"

2) Cristina Giordano
"The role of the RPCs in the CMS Level-1 Trigger Clustering at CMSSW during Phase-2"

3) Mohammad Ali
"Gas gaps and chambers quality control of improved resistive plate chambers (iRPC)"