- Takashi Nakamura (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
We have started a new research project named the ONOKORO project where we
comprehensively investigate clustering in medium-to-heavy mass nuclei using $(p,pX)$ cluster knockout reactions under normal and inverse kinematics.
The research is motivated by our previous study on $\alpha$ clustering in $^{112-124}\mathrm{Sn}$ conducted at Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University [J....
We present preliminary results of a recent experiment performed to measure the $^{10}$Be(t,p)$^{12}$Be reaction with the SOLARIS solenoidal spectrometer. This is among the first experiments using a long-lived radioisotopes in conjunction with the re-accelerated beam facility (ReA6) at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams. SOLARIS provides excellent resolution (about 150~keV FWHM) and...
A considerable amount of current lively research is devoted to the study of neutron Borromean nuclei, very intriguing exotic systems characterized by a diffuse two-neutron density distribution extending far beyond a compact core. Among them, the nucleus $^{11}$Li deserves special attention, owing to the intensive theoretical and experimental work dedicated to this system in the last decades....
The structure of the deformed weakly-bound nuclei $^{17}\text{C}$, $^{19}\text{C}$ and $^{11}\text{Be}$ has been studied within the strong-coupling limit, using the Nilsson model. A novel approach is used to obtain the energies and associated wave functions for bound states and some low-lying resonances of the system, consisting in diagonalizing the Nilsson Hamiltonian in a basis of...
The evolution of the N=16 shell gap in neutron-rich oxygen isotopes has been studied extensively over the past years [1, 2, 3, 4]. In neutron-rich carbon isotopes, the N=14 shell gap is shown to collapse [5, 6]however no experimental information on the N=16 shell gap is known. Unbound states in 17C have been populated using one-neutron transfer reaction d(16C,p)17C at a beam energy ...