Welcome to Indico Global!

26 June 2022 to 1 July 2022
University of Santiago de Compostela
Europe/Madrid timezone

Keynote Speakers & Summary Talk



Prof. Filomena Nunes

Filomena Nunes (nunes@frib.msu.edu) is the managing director of the FRIB Theory Alliance and a professor of physics and astronomy at Michigan State University.

 Her research includes few-body methods for the structure of halo nuclei, a variety of direct reaction theories to understand nuclear processes relevant for astrophysics and the application of Bayesian methods for uncertainty quantification.



Prof. Rituparna Kanungo

Dr. Rituparna Kanungo is a professor of physics at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax and an Affiliate Scientist of TRIUMF in Vancouver, Canada. Her research area is in experimental nuclear physics, with a focus in reaction spectroscopy of rare isotopes. Her projects encompass rare isotope reactions at all energy scales. She leads the reaction spectroscopy facility IRIS at TRIUMF for studies with low-energy reaccelerated beams. Her projects with relativistic rare isotopes are at GSI in Germany, RIKEN in Japan and FRIB in USA. Her research has been recognized by the honors of APS Fellow in 2019, the Vogt Medal in 2018, NSERC DAS award in 2011, Humboldt Fellowship in 2006 and the GSI Exotic Nuclei Community Award in 2003. She has been contributing in various roles to support the community.

She serves as the Director of International Affairs in the Board of Directors of the Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) and the Chair of the Canadian IUPAP liaison committee. She has been the President of the Canadian Institute of Nuclear Physics and the Chair of the CAP-NSERC liaison committee. She has also served on the TRIUMF Five Year Plan Steering Committee and Policy and Planning Advisory Committee of TRIUMF. She served in the Editorial Board of nuclear physics journals. She has been invited as reviewer of various international research projects/proposals. She has been elected to serve on the Board of Governors of Saint Mary’s University.


SUMMARY TALK at DREB2022        EPJ A sponsored lecture 


     Prof. Takashi Nakamura

Dr. Takashi Nakamura is professor at the Department of Physics of the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan), in which he has acted also as Head of Department. Prof. Nakamura is a renowed expert in experimental nuclear physics, whose main areas of research include the investigation of structures of neutron-rich exotic nuclei probed by direct reactions of fast rare isotope beams provided by in-flight rare isotope facilities, and the application of RI-beam experiments to stellar nuclear reactions and neutron-star physics.

Some of his publications have been awarded by the Physical Society of Japan (1997 and 2013).  

He has been member of national and international committess, namely, Chair of the Program Advisory Committee at the Center of Nuclear Science (CNS) of the University of Tokyo, Vice-chair and Chair of the RIBF User Executive Commitee, member of the  Beam Program Advisary Committee at Research Center (BPAC) for Nuclear Physics (RCNP), member of  Nuclear Physics Executive Committee of Japan and representative of the JPS Division of Experimental Nuclear Physics .