4:20 PM
Cross sections of neutron-rich isotopes near N=50 in knock-out reactions
Serge Franchoo
(Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
4:25 PM
Effects of pairing through the intermediary continuum in a 2n transfer process
Gagandeep Singh
(University of Padova & INFN Padova)
4:30 PM
Measurement of the single-particle strength along the calcium isotopic chain using quasi-free scattering reactions
Ryo Taniuchi
(Department of Physics, University of York)
4:35 PM
First results of the analysis of the reaction 22 Mg(α,α) 22 Mg
Daniel Regueira Castro
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))
4:40 PM
Investigating Short-Range Correlations in exotic nuclei at R3B using inverse kinematics
Enis Lorenz
(Technische Universität Darmstadt)
4:45 PM
Study of multi-nucleon knockout reactions of exotic nuclei in the region of Sn
Martina Feijoo Fontán
4:50 PM
Quasi-free (p,2p) reactions in inverse kinematics for studying the fission yield dependence on temperature and its implication in the stellar nucleosynthesis r-process
antía graña gonzález
4:55 PM
Development and characterization of new position-sensitive Si strip detectors for direct reactions at CENS
Xesus Pereira-Lopez
(Center for Exotic Nuclear Studies (CENS), Institute for Basic Science (IBS))
5:00 PM
Measurements of the neutron-removal cross sections of neutron-rich Sn isotopes at R3B setup.
Eleonora Kudaibergenova
(TU Darmstadt)
5:05 PM
Continuum-Discretized Coupled Channel description of (d,p) reactions with nonlocal optical potentials
Natalia Timofeyuk
5:10 PM
Three-nucleon force in (d,p) reactions
Natalia Timofeyuk
5:15 PM
Performance of the CALIFA detector during the experiment s467 on the Ca isotopic chain
Christian Suerder
5:20 PM
Integration of a Resistive Plate Chamber for Precise Measurement of High-Momentum Protons in Short Range Correlations
Manuel Xarepe
5:25 PM
Investigating cross-shell interactions at the N=28 shell closure through 47K(d,p)48K with MUGAST+AGATA+VAMOS.
Charlie James Paxman
(University of Surrey (GB))
5:30 PM
Study of (p,2p) events at the CALIFA calorimeter in knockout induced fission of 238U
Gabriel García Jiménez
(University of Santiago de Compostela - IGFAE)
5:35 PM
A new scattering chamber for precision experiments on the heavy-ion reaction cross sections at the accelerator DC-60 (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan) at low energies
Кайрат Кутербеков
5:40 PM
Neutron transfer reaction 181Ta(18O, 19O)
Aidos Azhibekov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
Кайрат Кутербеков
5:45 PM
Investigation of shape evolution in 110Sn through Coulomb excitation
Joochun Park
(Institute for Basic Science (KR))