31 July 2016 to 5 August 2016
Europe/Budapest timezone
Registration is now closed as we have reached the maximum number of participants

Financial support

Thanks to the support of the Join Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics (JINA) we can offer financial support, preferentially to support students and post-docs to cover accommodation expenses in a shared room, but also to cover partial travel expenses, depending on funds.

The application deadline is the 30th April 2016.

To apply you need to:

- submit an abstract

- send an email to Nóri (Eleonóra Hernold <hernold.eleonora@csfk.mta.hu>) detailing:

(1) the amount of money needed to cover you stay in a shared room, (2) the amount of money needed for you to travel to Budapest and how much of this you request from us. Please keep in mind that we are probably able to contribute a fraction of your travel expenses, depending on how many people apply.

Individual participants will submit receipts to JINA-CEE after their travel is completed and receive reimbursement by check.