We present excitation spectra for heavy baryons - containing $c$ and $b$ flavors - calculated from a universal relativistic constituent-quark model valid for all baryons. The three-quark system is solved along modified Faddeev equations adapted to treat long-range interactions, here in particular the confinement. The hyperfine interaction is furnished by Goldstone-boson exchange. The full...
Exotic hadrons close to the hadron-hadron threshold have been one of the interesting topics in the hadron and nuclear physics. Especially, in the heavy quark sector, some of the quarkonium-like states called XYZ and the hidden-charm pentaquark Pc near the thresholds have been discussed as a hadronic molecule. The hadronic molecules is realized as a loosely bound state of a hadron composite...
Heavy hadrons at finite temperature are nowadays attracting much attention in the field of hadron physics in view of the extremely high temperatures reached in the on-going and upcoming heavy-ion collision experiments and the new level of accuracy of the numerical simulations of QCD on the lattice. Along these lines, we go beyond the state-of-the art to study the properties of heavy mesons...