Studies related to the formation and calculations of the properties of positively ($ehh$) and negatively ($eeh$) charged trions in two-dimensional (2D) materials, which includes transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDC) [1], silicene, germanene, and stanene (Xenes) [2], and phosphorene are presented. We provide the current status of the theoretical and experimental research and recent...
We study a three-body system confined to one space dimension, consisting of two identical, non-interacting, heavy particles and a light particle with arbitrary mass ratio interacting with the two heavy particles. In this talk we focus on a contact heavy-light interaction, and therefore apply the exact integral equations of Skorniakov and Ter-Martirosian, in order to obtain the three-body...
Short-range correlations in bosonic Helium clusters, composed of $^4$He atoms, are studied utilizing the generalized contact formalism. The emergence of universal $n$-body short-range correlations, associated with the repulsive $1/r^{12}$ part of the Lennard-Jones potential, is formulated and demonstrated numerically via Monte Carlo simulations. The values of the $n$-particle contacts are...
We consider a multichannel Schroedinger operator with binary channels and a three-body Hamitonian with pairwise interactions. Being written in the momentum representation, both of these operators are subject to the complex deformation, a kind of inhomogeneous complex rotation/scaling. Isolated non-real eigenvalues of the complexly deformed Hamiltonians are called the complex rotation...