I shall present a series of frontier experiments searching for X rays coming from exotic atoms produced at the DAFNE collider of LNF-INFN (Italy). I shall introduce the physics and studies of kaonic atoms in the framework of the SIDDHARTA collaboration at the DAFNE Collider at the LNF-INFN, Frascati (Roma) laboratory. Combining the excellent quality kaon beam delivered by the DAFNE collider...
The recent and old experiential data indicate that kaonic cluster $NN\bar K$ has deep quasi-bound state [1]. However, the theoretical models based on phenomenological $N\bar K$ potentials do not confirm it. Loosely bound state has been predicted by theoretical analysis of the JPARC
E15 experiment [2] using chiral potentials in the fixed center approximation.
In the framework of the Faddeev...
The attractive nature of $\bar{K}N$ interaction has stimulated theoretical and experimental searches for $K^-$ bound states in different systems. In particular, many theoretical calculations devoted to the lightest possible system $\bar{K}NN$ have been performed using different methods: Faddeev equations with coupled channels, variational methods, and some others. All of them agree that a...
Some of the interactions in nuclear systems envisage the possibility that the constituents change in intermediate states. An example is the $\Lambda-\Sigma$ coupling in hyperon-nucleon potentials or the $N-\Delta$ coupling in nucleon-nucleon potentials. The fact that the constituents change in particular their masses represent a problem for the Hyperspherical Harmonics (HH) method, since ...