Nuclear spectroscopy with heavy ion beams and fixed nuclear targets has recently become a powerful tool to study sub-atomic nuclei with strangeness. The first HypHI experiment at GSI has demonstrated the feasibility of the method by reconstructing invariant masses and decay vertexes with 6Li beams at 2 A GeV bombarding a graphite target, and formation and mesonic weak-decay of light...
While atomic nuclei are believed to be understood in terms of dynamics between pions and nucleons, it is unclear whether these constituents are the only relevant degrees of freedom in the ground state of baryonic matter. At higher densities, realized perhaps in the cores of neutron stars, hadrons with non-zero strangeness such as hyperons are expected to appear. Strangeness nuclear physics and...
In this talk we present a recently developed method where cluster correlations co-exist with an underlying mean-field described core-structure. The method will be applied to nuclei close to the driplines, which are assumed to clusterize into a well-defined core and two valence nucleons. The variation of an antisymmetrized product of cluster and core wave functions and a given nuclear...