Nucleon-deuteron ($Nd$) scattering, the three-nucleon ($3N$) scattering system, offers a good opportunity to study dynamical aspects of 3NFs, which are momentum,
spin and isospin dependent, since it provides not only cross sections but also a variety of spin observables at different incident nucleon energies. Direct comparison between the experimental data and the rigorous numerical...
A resonance like structure observed in double-pionic fusion to the deuteron, at M=2.38 GeV with Γ=70 MeV and I(J^P )=0(3^+) has been consistently observed in a wealth of reaction channels, supporting the existence of a resonant hexaquark state - the d^* (2380). It was recently indicated that this new particle may set a limit on achievable neutron star masses, play a key role in the dynamics of...
The idea of an important role of dibaryon (six-quark) states in NN interaction was suggested some time ago [1]. A new interest to this idea has risen recently due to the reliable detection of the dibaryon resonances [2]. Later on, it has been shown that the mechanism with excitations of intermediate diproton resonances in isovector pp channels gives a leading contribution into polarization...