It is almost 60 years since Skyrme introduced his model of nuclei as topological solitons (Skyrmions) in a nonlinear pion theory. I shall review the Skyrme model and discuss some of the successes and failures of Skyrmions. In particular, I will describe some recent work that yields improved results for binding energies and clustering in light nuclei, by extending the standard theory of...
I give a brief tour of recent applications of lattice simulations using the framework of effective field theory. The topics to be covered are first principles calculations of nuclear structure and reactions, ultracold atoms in the unitarity limit, and discrete scale invariance in trapped ion quantum simulators.
We present recent results on the structure of the nucleon using simulations carried out within the framework of lattice QCD. These simulations are performed with physical values of the quark masses yielding results that can be directly compared with experimental results. A complete calculation of the contributions of quarks and gluons to the spin of the nucleon explains the so-called spin...