A quiet revolution is occurring at the border between atomic physics and experimental quantum chemistry. Techniques for producing cold and ultracold molecules are enabling the study of chemical reactions and heavy-particle scattering at the quantum scattering limit with only a few partial waves contributing to the incident channel leading to the observation and even full control of...
Rigorous solution of the few-particle scattering problem is one of the most complex and important problems of Quantum Mechanics. In early 60’s Faddeev formulated the t-matrix approach [1], providing a mathematically rigorous description of the three-particle scattering problems governed by short-ranged interactions. This formalism has been generalized by Yakubovsky [2] to any number of...
The exciting discovery by LHCb of the $P_c(4380)$ and $P_c(4450)$ pentaquarks, or the suggestion of a tetraquark nature for the $Z_c(3900)$ state seen at BESIII and Belle, have triggered a lot of activity in the hadron physics field, with new experiments planned for searching other exotic mesons and baryons, and many theoretical developments trying to disentangle the true multiquark nature...