Efimov states form in a three-body system when the pair-wide interactions are resonantly enhanced. Predicted by Vitaly Efimov in 1970, first Efimov state was observed in 2006 in ultracold cesium atoms near a Feshbach resonance. Since then, dozens of Efimov states have been identified in cold alkali and helium atoms.
In this talk, I will describe the intriguing history of the observation of...
The advent of new generation radioactive beam facilities has provided for a rather complete mapping of the nuclear landscape up to mass number 30. Among all the so-called exotic nuclei (not found on Earth), some very neutron-rich ones exhibit properties that are in fact exotic: extended matter distributions, few-body resonances, extreme neutron to proton ratios... In this talk we will...
Pioneering studies by the ALICE Collaboration demonstrated the potential of employing femtoscopy to investigate and constrain hyperon-nucleon and hyperon-hyperon interactions with unprecedented precision. This kind of interaction is particularly interesting since it is closely connected to the physics of neutron stars. In particular, one of the plausible hypotheses about the content of neutron...