Since the discovery of the neutron halos, they have gained extensive attention of the nuclear physics community. Particularly two-neutron halo systems, consisting of a core and two weakly bound valence neutrons, demand a three-body description with proper treatment of continuum. The stability of such three-body ($\rm{core}+n+n$) system is linked to the continuum spectrum of the two-body ($\rm{core}+n$) subsystem. Although $^{11}$Li is the first observed two-neutron halo four decades ago. Since then a lot of experimental and theoretical studies have been reported on structure of the $^{11}$Li. Recently role of $^{10}$Li resonances is investigated in the halo structure of $^{11}$Li via $^{11}$Li$(p,d)$$^{10}$Li transfer reaction at TRIUMF [1] and at same facility the first conclusive evidence of a dipole resonance in $^{11}$Li having isoscalar character has been reported [2, 3]. These new measurements and the sensitivity of core+n potential with structure of three-body system, are the motivation for selecting $^{11}$Li for the present study.
For this study we use our recently implemented three-body structure model for the ground and continuum states of the Borromean nuclei [4, 5]. Within this framework, we start from the solution of the unbound subsystem and the two-particle basis is constructed by explicit coupling of the two single-particle continuum wave functions. We will present the results on the ground-state properties and two-neutron correlations in $^{11}$Li with different choices of the $^{9}$Li +n potential. We compare our findings with the more recent experimental works and the theoretical work that has been done in the past. We also present the $^{9}$Li +n potential dependence on the configuration mixing in the ground state of 11Li.
[1] A. Sanetullaev et al., Phys. Lett. B 755, 481-485 (2016).
[2] R. Kanungo, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 192502 (2015).
[3] J. Tanaka et al., Phys. Lett. B 774, 268-272 (2017).
[4] Jagjit Singh et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 52 209 (2016).
[5] Jagjit Singh et al., arXiv:1808.09635 [nucl-th] (2018).