1–6 Sept 2019
University of Surrey
Europe/London timezone

Giving a twist to Halo states: Helium Dimer and Trimer in Rotation

6 Sept 2019, 10:10
University of Surrey

University of Surrey


Reinhard Doerner (University Frankfurt)


We will review how to make Helium Dimers, Trimers and the Efimov State of He3 and show how the wavefunction of theses species can be imaged. We then show how quantum dynamics in theses systems can be induced and show movies of the time evolution of a kicked dimer.


Maksim Kunitski Stefan Zeller (University Frankfurt) Lothar Schmidt Till Jahnke Markus Schoeffler Qingze Guan Doerte Blume Reinhard Doerner (University Frankfurt)

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