18–23 Jun 2023
University of New Brunswick
America/Halifax timezone
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The liquid deuterium system for the TUCAN source

19 Jun 2023, 16:45
UNB Tilley Hall (Rm. 205 (max. 85))

UNB Tilley Hall

Rm. 205 (max. 85)


Prof. Jeffery Martin (The University of Winnipeg)


The TRIUMF Ultracold Advanced Neutron (TUCAN) source, when completed, will be a world-leading source of ultracold neutrons. The source is a unique combination of a spallation target coupled to a superfluid helium converter. A key component of the source is the liquid deuterium moderator, which surrounds the superfluid helium converter. The goal of the LD$_2$ moderator is to provide a high flux of cold neutrons into the superfluid, where they are then downscattered to become UCN. The liquid deuterium moderator has a 125 L volume, and experiences a heat load of 60 W for the design proton beam current of 40 $\mu$A. Cooling is provided by a distant cryocooler at higher elevation, in a thermosyphon loop with the moderator volume. The thermosyphon solution is unique in featuring no moving parts and single-phase (liquid) operation. This presentation will focus on the design of the liquid deuterium system, and the status and plans for this important component of the UCN source.

Keyword-1 neutron sources
Keyword-2 electric dipole moment
Keyword-3 fundamental symmetries


Prof. Jeffery Martin (The University of Winnipeg)

Presentation materials