9–13 Jun 2025
University of Texas at Austin
America/Chicago timezone

We are pleased to announce the 2025 edition of the North American Einstein Toolkit Workshop. The workshop will be held at the University of Texas at Austin. This is an opportunity for researchers and students to learn about the Einstein Toolkit (https://einsteintoolkit.org/), a community-driven software platform of core computational tools to advance and support research in relativistic astrophysics and gravitational physics.

The workshop will offer a mixture of talks and tutorials. The tutorials provide an opportunity for new users to become familiar with the Einstein Toolkit cyberinfrastructure. The talks are aimed at highlighting exciting science using the tools of numerical relativity, in particular, the Einstein Toolkit. At the end of the workshop, there will be a broad discussion on future directions of the Einstein Toolkit.

Registration:  Registration will open soon

Travel support: Limited financial support is available for attendees. This can be requested in the registration form. To receive full consideration, requests must be submitted by May 1st.

Lodging: A list of recommended hotels will be available soon.

Sponsored by:  National Science Foundation: Frameworks: E=mc2 - Enabling Multimessenger astrophysics through Community-driven Cyberinfrastructure (119025-20128). Travel support provided by OAC-2004879, OAC-2004157.

University of Texas at Austin