May 17 – 21, 2021
Florida State University, Virtual Conference
US/Eastern timezone

The conference is the joint edition of the 15th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections (RADCOR) and the XIX Workshop on Radiative Corrections for the LHC and Future Colliders (LoopFest). It is dedicated to the application of quantum field theory techniques to particle physics phenomenology, and will span five days of plenary and parallel talks.


The conference will cover subjects on precision calculations for colliders; progress in higher-loop and higher-multiplicity calculations in the Standard Model; cross sections for new physics; new techniques for calculations; advances in computer-algebra methods; and new theoretical developments.


Due to the ongoing pandemic, and in order to mitigate difficulties with global travel restrictions, the conference will take a fully virtual format.

The Zoom Meeting ID is: 955 5748 0114 and works only for registered participants who have gone through the corresponding Zoom meeting registration. To connect you will need to have Zoom version 5.6.3 or newer. Please check if updates to your Zoom client are available.

Florida State University, Virtual Conference