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April 30, 2018 to May 5, 2018
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

Magnetic corrections to $\pi-\pi$ scattering lengths in the linear sigma model.

Not scheduled
Invited Talk


Prof. Marcelo Loewe (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)


We consider the magnetic corrections to pi-pi scattering lengths in the linear sigma model. For this purpose we consider all the one loop corrections in the $s$, $t$ and $u$ channels, associate to the insertion of a Schwinger propagator for the charged pions, working in the region of small values of the magnetic field. In our calculation we make use of an appropriate expansion of the propagators in this regime. The leading scattering length, $l = 0$, in the s-channel, isospin channel $I = 2$, increases for an increasing value of the magnetic field, whereas the opposite effect is found for the isospin channel $I = 0$. The isospin channel does not receive any corrections. This behavior is is opposite with respect to the thermal corrections reported previously in the literature for the scattering lengths.

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