
All participants are kindly requested to book their accommodation themselves.

WARNING! Please note, there may be phishing attempts from third parties offering to book accommodation for you. Do not respond to those - we are not in contact with any third party.

There are plenty of accommodation options in Jyväskylä. Please note however that there is another major event starting on Friday June 14th, and few options appear to be available if one includes that night. We suggest organizing travels accordingly.

We have however offers for PLATAN 2024 guests from two hotels: Hotel Alba and Greenstar Hotel. Please use the reservation identification code "PLATAN", when booking.


Hotel Alba rates 9. - 15.6.2024

Book by May 9th, use booking code "PLATAN".

Single room (standard) 97,00 € / night

Double room (standard) 118,00 € / night

Single room (superior) 107,00 € / night

Single room (Junior suite with sauna)  147,00e / night

Double room (Junior suite with sauna)  167,00e / night


Green star hotel rates 9. - 14.6.2024 (minimum stay 3 nights)

20 rooms available 9. - 13.6., 10 rooms 13. - 14.6. (no rooms available 14. - 15.6.)

Book by May 1st, use booking code "PLATAN".

75 € / room/ 1 - 3 persons/ day

With breakfast:

Single room: 85 € / night

Double room: 95 € / night

Double room with extra bed: 105 € / night