4–5 Feb 2025
Europe/Zurich timezone


CHIPP structure and drivers for the future

4 Feb 2025, 09:45
Tuesday Raum B7 / Wednesday Raum A6 (ExWi)

Tuesday Raum B7 / Wednesday Raum A6


Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Armin Ilg (University of Zurich)
04/02/2025, 09:45
Early-career discussion on the Swiss input
Armin Ilg (University of Zurich)
04/02/2025, 09:46
Early-career discussion on the Swiss input
Francesca Stocker (SERI)
04/02/2025, 10:40
Marko Pesut (University of Zürich)
04/02/2025, 11:30
Early-career discussion on the Swiss input

A theoretical perspective of the current (and future) scene of particle physics.

Building timetable...