4–5 Feb 2025
Europe/Zurich timezone

CHIPP and overview of the current swiss collider physics landscape

4 Feb 2025, 09:55
Tuesday Raum B7 / Wednesday Raum A6 (ExWi)

Tuesday Raum B7 / Wednesday Raum A6


Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Early-career discussion on the Swiss input CHIPP structure and drivers for the future


Ben Kilminster (University of Zurich (CH))


CHIPP is organized in three main pillars. This talk describes in detail pillar 1.

"Pillar 1 tackles the exploration of interactions between fundamental
particles and the search for physics beyond the SM, using
accelerators at the high-energy frontier (such as the LHC at
CERN), as well as high-intensity, low-energy accelerators
(such as the facilities available at PSI) at the precision/
intensity frontier." --> Taken from the CHIPP Roadmap

Presentation materials