NA62 is a fixed-target experiment at the CERN SPS dedicated to measurements of rare kaon decays. It is approved to take data until CERN long shutdown 3, with the primary goal to collect the order of 100 candidates $K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ \nu \bar{\nu}$ events and to measure the corresponding branching ratio with the precision of the order of 10%. The experiment resumed data taking in 2021 after CERN long shutdown 2, with an upgraded beamline, a new configuration of the beam tracker (GigaTracKer), new detectors installed upstream of the decay region to intercept early kaon decays, and a renovated small angle hadronic calorimeter (HASC). The 2021 run has been devoted to commissioning both the beamline and the new detectors. The present status of NA62 is discussed.
Field of contribution | Particle physics |