Benjamin Banto Oberhauser
(ETH Zurich (CH))
NA64 is a fixed-target frontier experiment running at the CERN SPS. NA64 searches for possible candidates of mediators between the dark sector and the standard model by looking for missing energy events in an active beam dump. After resuming data taking in 2021, NA64 has tripled its statistics, allowing us to set leading constraints to dark sector mediators in the light dark matter parameter space. This talk will focus on the latest results from the analysis of the 2021-2022 data as well as the current status of the experiment.
Limited flash talk slots | I would present a poster instead. |
My contribution is about a project related to sustainability | No |
Field of contribution | Particle physics |
Benjamin Banto Oberhauser
(ETH Zurich (CH))
Martina Mongillo
(ETH Zurich (CH))
Paolo Crivelli
(ETH Zurich (CH))