Semi-visible dark photons at the NA64 experiment

Jun 15, 2023, 8:35 PM


Martina Mongillo (ETH Zurich (CH))


Beyond the minimal kinetically-mixed dark photon scenarios predicting fully visible and fully invisible mediator decays, next-to-minimal theories have been considered as compelling frameworks for thermal dark matter and some low-energy anomalies, as the muon g-2.
This talk will showcase the potential of the NA64 experiment in the exploration of rich dark sectors in which the dark photon is semi-visible. The NA64 invisible results have been re-interpreted in the context of two inelastic dark matter models to account for the different signal signature, entailing both missing energy and visible final states.

Limited flash talk slots I would present a poster instead.
My contribution is about a project related to sustainability No
Field of contribution Particle physics


Martina Mongillo (ETH Zurich (CH))


Benjamin Banto Oberhauser (ETH Zurich (CH)) Paolo Crivelli (ETH Zurich (CH))

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