22–27 Sept 2024
Maison des Congrès
Europe/Zurich timezone

Low-energy effective theories of metals

25 Sept 2024, 11:30
Maison des Congrès

Maison des Congrès

Chem. des Grandes Isles 7, 1865 Ormont-Dessus Les Diablerets Switzerland


Sung-Sik Lee


The fixed points of the renormalization group flow are crucial for classifying phases of matter and understanding their universal low-energy physics. In metals, however, fixed points are defined only projectively due to the indefinite growth of Fermi momentum under scale transformations. In this talk, I will discuss the physical implications of the projective nature of metallic fixed points and the recent progress made in charting the space of universality classes for non-Fermi liquids.

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