Feb 11 – 16, 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

In this workshop we aim at exploring new opportunities and challenges arising from the presence of interactions and dissipation in quantum sensors. 

Many-body interactions lead to non-trivial many-body states and dynamics, which open a whole range of possibilities for metrology. On the one hand, it offers new resources for quantum-enhanced estimation, in particular the presence of quantum phase transitions and other many-body collective effects. On the other hand, it naturally motivates the study of metrology tasks that cannot be phrased as a phase estimation problem, such as the estimation of temperature or parameters characterizing non-equilibrium steady states, with tools developed in the context of quantum metrology. This sets the ground for establishing new links between quantum metrology, many-body physics, open quantum systems, quantum optics, as well as thermodynamics.

This Workshop is hence a highly interdisciplinary event which will join experts from different communities to present their latest results, discuss open problems, as well as explore new interconnections. Relevant directions that will be covered include:

       1. Quantum metrology in presence of environmental noise, including error correction techniques.

       2. Quantum metrology with interacting systems, including quantum critical metrology.

       3. Quantum estimation of environmental parameters, particularly quantum thermometry.

Early career researchers are highly encouraged to participate and present their results. 

The conference fee is 300 CHF. The fee covers full-board accommodation from Sunday dinner to Friday lunch, as well as coffee breaks in the morning and afternoon. Travel costs are not included in the conference fee. Unfortunately, the number of available spots is limited, and a selection of participants will be made based on the contributions.

Deadline for submitting applications for oral and poster presentation is 30th November 2023 (AoE).

The tentative schedule is given below.



Hotel Les Sources Chemin du Vernex 9 1865 Les Diablerets Switzerland
Application for this event is currently open.