Oct 23 – 29, 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

We propose a conference on outreach bringing together its different actors and its different aspects. The program will be divided into three parts:

1. Outreach actors: who does outreach ? : On the occasion of this conference, various actors of outreach, YouTubers, researchers, science center managers, will come to talk about their profession and their methods. Speakers include:

  • Aurélien Alvarez (ENS Lyon)
  • Maria Dedò (formerly University of Milan)
  • Cindy Lawrence (MoMath)
  • Andreas Matt (IMAGINARY)
  • Ayliean MacDonald
  • Olga Paris-Romaskevich (CNRS & University of Aix-Marseille)
  • Hugo Parlier (University of Luxembourg) & Paul Turner (University of Geneva)
  • Erika Roldan (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences and the Center for Scalable Data analytics and Artificial intelligence at Leipzig University.)

2. The outreach, what’s that all about ? : Through talks and working sessions, participants will be able to familiarize themselves with research in outreach which is in its beginning. We will start by understanding how a theoretical reflection on practices can change the way we present concepts, and then we will think about which theoretical frameworks to put in place to analyze our practices.

3. Getting hands-on : Participants will be invited to experience outreach as learners during some workshops. Material will also be available on an ongoing basis so that participants can experience it whenever they wish. In addition, there will be work sessions specifically dedicated to the creation of new activities.


On Saturday, October 29th all participants will be invited to take part in a maths festival in the village. It will be the opportunity to try new activities on a general audience and share with everyone the joy of doing mathematics.