17–21 Mar 2019
Sunstar Hotel, Grindelwald, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

FIESTA: new technique to parametrize stellar variability

18 Mar 2019, 11:40
Sunstar Hotel, Grindelwald, Switzerland

Sunstar Hotel, Grindelwald, Switzerland

Dorfstrasse 168, 3818 Grindelwald Switzerland
Oral Stellar signals Stellar signal 2


Jinglin Zhao (UNSW)


We've been developping a new technique - FourIEr $\textit{phase}$ SpecTrum Analysis ($\mathit{\Phi}$ESTA or FIESTA) - that studies the spectral line profile variability in the Fourier space. It enables us to distinguish a line deformation from a line shift and provides the possibility to correct jitter. I will briefly lay out the theories and demonstrate its application in two example stars: (1) HD189733: Rossiter–McLaughlin effect as jitter; (2) $\alpha$ Centauri B.



Prof. Chris Tinney (UNSW)

Presentation materials