Mar 17 – 21, 2019
Sunstar Hotel, Grindelwald, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Following the tradition of previous workshops organised in Penn State and Yale, this fourth opus will dig into the instrumental and data analysis challenges required to enable the detection of an Earth twin using Doppler velocimetry.

As we know, today's main limitations are the instrumental precision and stellar activity that perturb radial-velocity measurements. This edition of the workshop will therefore focus on:

  • lessons learned from past and next generation EPRV instruments,
  • hardware challenges,
  • modelling and diagnosing stellar noise,
  • mitigating stellar and instrumental noises.

Confirmed speakers:

Stellar signals

- Nadège Meunier (Stellar signals)


- Jessi Cisewski (Statistical techniques to unveil planetary signals)


- James Beletic (
President, Teledyne Imaging Sensors, Detectors for EPRV)
- Suvrath Mahadevan (
Building an efficient spectrograph)
- Samuel Halverson (RV error budget)
- Arpita Roy (RV pipelines)

NIR Spectrographs

- Ilaira Carleo (The GIANO spectrograph)
- Jonathan Crass (The iLocator spectrograph)
- François Bouchy (The NIRPS and SPIROU spectrograph)
- Joe Ninan (The HPF spectrograph)
- Ignasi Ribas (The CARMENES spectrograph)
- Motohide Tamura (The IRD spectrograph)

VIS Spectrographs

- Francesco Pepe (The ESPRESSO spectrograph)
- Paul Robertson (The NEID spectrograph)
- Christian Schwab (TBC, The VELOCE spectrograph)
- Samantha Thompson (The HARPS 3 spectrograph)
- Rob Wittenmyer (The MINERVA + SONG spectrographs)
- Lily Zaho (The EXPRES spectrograph)

Workshop SOC:

Suzanne Aigrain, Fabienne Bastien, Isabelle Boisse, Aldo Bonomo, Heather Cegla, Jessi Cisewski, Xavier Dumusque (Chair), Michael Endl, Debra Fischer, Dawn Gelino, Andrew Howard, Dave Latham, Christophe Lovis, Suvrath Mahadevan, Francesco Pepe, Ansgar Reiners, Stephane Udry, Jason Wright, Sharon Xuesong Wang

Workshop LOC:

Heather Cegla, Michael Cretignier, Xavier Dumusque, Nathan Hara, Louise Nielsen, Alejandro Suarez Mascareno, Gael Ottoni, Emilie Rickman, Chantal Tacoy



Sunstar Hotel, Grindelwald, Switzerland
Dorfstrasse 168, 3818 Grindelwald Switzerland
The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
There are 3 open surveys.