Jan 17 – 19, 2024
Porto - Portugal
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Accommodation and conference dinner

Conference dinner at Nogueira Restaurant  - 19:30 - Nogueiras´s Porto, R. de Ceuta 23, 4050-191 Porto






We contacted two Hotels which have a special deal for the conference: 

1) HF Hotels

Please do your booking at: https://iberianstrings2024.hfhotels.com

We typically book at hotel Tuela (***) or Fénix (****). These are both next to each other. Prices can be seen upon booking.

2) Hotel Douro

Please do your booking by sending an email: booking@hoteldouro.pt.  Refer that you are attending a conference at the university. (price single room w/ breakfast ~= 60 euros, price double room w/ breakfast ~= 65 euros)

Hotel Douro, Porto – Preços 2023 atualizados


Observation: Nevertheless, it might be worth checking the prices on Booking.com, because the prices might fluctuate.



Be careful with phishing scams. You will only be contacted via the email of the organization. (iberianstrings24@fc.up.pt