Neutrino structure functions predictions for high energy and high precision neutrino experiments

Not scheduled


Mairon Melo Machado (Instituto Federal Farroupilha - Campus São Borja)


A QCD based analysis of the neutrino structure functions $xF2$, $xF3$ and $\Delta_{xF3}$, for charged current and neutral neutrino DIS is performed focusing on high energy and high precisions neutrino experiments. The investigation is done taking into account the color dipole formalism, considering a wide region of the kinematical variables Bjorken-$x$ and boson virtuality $Q^2$. We consider the state of art about the dipole cross section, which describe successfully the deep inelastic inclusive ans exclusive production. The theoretical predictions will be compared to the prospects for future experimental projects in the small-$x$ region, as for instance the neutrino scattering experiments NuSOnG and Minerva.


Mairon Melo Machado (Instituto Federal Farroupilha - Campus São Borja)


Ederson Dos Santos (IF - Farroupilha, Campus São Borja) Magno Machado (IF-UFRGS)

Presentation materials