We report on the computation of the quark propagator at finite temperature in the Landau gauge using quenched gauge configurations. The propagator form factors are computed for various temperatures, above and below the gluon deconfinement temperature $T_c$, and for all the Matsubara frequencies. Significant differences are found between the form factores below and above $T_c$, which suggest a...
Dyson-Schwinger studies of the fermion propagator are typically performed in Euclidean metric, providing information on the nonperturbative behavior of the fermion propagator at spacelike momenta. It has been known for more than 40 years that an analytic continuation to the entire complex momentum plane can, and often does, reveal 'mass-like' singularities at complex-conjugate momenta, even...
The pion structure in Minkowski space is described in terms of an analytic model of the Bethe–Salpeter amplitude combined with Euclidean Lattice QCD results.
The model is physically motivated to take into account the running quark mass, which is fitted to Lattice QCD data. In the present work, we extend the an previus work, with the present model utilized to calculated the pion...
An important tool to deal with the formulation in Minkowski space is the Integral
Representation (IR) proposed by Nakanishi.
In this work, we use the IR to obtain a solution of the Dyson-Schwinger equation directly in Minkowski space, and compare with a solution in a rotated axis from the Euclidean axis, what we call ``Un-Wick rotation''. To this end we must find the relation between the...
We show results for propagators and vertices in Yang-Mills theory and QCD obtained from the 3PI effective action. Their use in calculating bound-states and resonances requires access to complex momenta, necessitating special care. We perform appropriate deformations of the integration contour to avoid cuts and poles and present corresponding results for bound states as well as first results...