he study of the abundance of dark matter is carried out in an extension of the standard model with an additional gauge symmetry $U(1)_X$. The considered extension includes two doublet and one complex singlet of scalar fields. The dark matter candidate arises from the second doublet scalar field meanwhile the singlet and first doublet scalar fields provide additional portals to the relic...
We discuss Z-production in Deep Inelastic Scattrering (DIS) e+p -> e+Z+X using the Parton Model (PM), in the context of the Standard Model (SM). In contrast to the Deep Inelastic ep -scattering (e+p -> e+X), where Q^2 the transferred momentum square is unique, in the case of boson production it depends upon the mechanism involved, that is related to the electroweak interaction. We present...
Models beyond the standard model with extra scalars have been highly motived by the discobery ofthe Higgs boson. The two Higgs doublet model type III considers the most general case for the scalarpotential, allowing mixing between neutral CP-even and CP-odd scalars fields. This work presentsthe results of the study on the t -> c gamma, t -> c Z, and t -> c h_1 decays, where h_1 is the...
Recently the IceCube collaboration team reported an excess of 28 high energy neutrinos, which is well above the predicted number of the background events. A possible link between this neutrino signal and unstable dark matter has been suggested, namely, decay products of unstable weakly interacting massive particles making up the dark matter halo of our Milky Way galaxy may be responsible for...
Nowadays, neutrino oscillations and Higgs boson existence has been confirmed. On the other hand, the possibility of extended scalars sectors as well neutrino mass origin are broad areas of research. Majoron minimal model consider both topics, which adds a complex singlet to Standard Model, $\sigma = (f + \sigma^{0} + i J)/\sqrt{2}$ that carries a $B-L$ charge 2. The pseudoscalar majoron $J$,...
Decayings that have a lepton flavor violation (LFV) are affected by the standard model (SM). However, from recent observations at the LHC, some limits have been found for these types of processes that show a change in flavor, up to a confidence level of 3𝜎. In particular, the process ℎ → 𝜏𝜇 seems to maintain a higher decay ratio (branching ratio) 𝐵𝑅 (ℎ → 𝜏𝜇) 𝐵𝑅𝜏𝜇, compared to other channels....
We present a study of the possible traits that can help to determine the difference between a muon and a high energy tau article regarding their in-ice energy losses. The study consists on muons and tau particles simulated on the atmosphere with an array of different energies ranging from 1 TeV to 1 EeV, and propagated in air and in-ice using PROPOSAL (Monte-Carlo lepton propagator), we keep...
We analyzed the 3-3-1 economical model with right-handed neutrinos using the software SARAH, we show the analytical results are correct when we compare them with the literature, besides, we can build the vertices necessary to close the loops diagrams and explore the possibility of to have masses to one up-quark and two quarks-down types to radiative level.
We are going to study the non-abelian SQED4 on the null-pane coordinates. The constraint structure of the theory is analyzed and appropriated boundary conditions on the field are imposed to fix the hidden subset first class constraint which generated improper gauge transformations and obtain an unique inverse of the second class constraints.
Half a century ago Dirac has proposed three different forms of relativistic dynamics depending on the types of surfaces where independent modes were initiated. The first possibility when a space-like surface is chosen ( instant form) has been used most frequently so far and is usually called equal-time quantization. The second choice is to the a surface of a single light wave (front form or...
Although inflation theory modifies our understanding of the first fraction of a second in the history of the universe, when combined with the standard Big Bang theory it preserves all the successes of the previous theory and complements it. Scientific literature shows that it is not really a single theory, but that there are a multitude of scenarios with names such as old inflation, new...
Neutrino oscillations are one of the few physical evidences beyond the standard model. From Pontecorvo's idea of representing neutrinos as a linear combination of mass states, we want to review the formalism of neutrino oscillations in the image of the three known flavors to date.
With the confirmation of the oscillations, we're searching to describe the phenomenon of the neutrino oscillation...
The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon $ g - 2 $ is a very special quantity that reflects almost the entire spectrum of effects incorporated in the Standard Model (SM) of particles, in addition to being one of the quantities measured with greater precision. Currently there is a deviation of $ 3 - 4 \sigma $ between theory and experimental results, discrepancy that is waiting to be well...
Neutrinos are very interesting fundamental particles, interact very weakly and their masses are very small. In many extensions of the Standard Model neutrinos acquire electromagnetic properties through quantum loops effects, hence the study of neutrino electromagnetic interactions is a tool in the search of the fundamentals of particle physics. Neutrino electromagnetic properties can be used...
Se presenta un estudio preliminar sobre la violación de la simetría CP en los decaimientos
, donde a partir de un Monte Carlo se hace una simulación de estos decaimientos en un
Dalitz Plot, y se realiza mediante el modelo Isobar un análisis de la amplitud para para los
decaimientos del y .
In this work, we consider some phenomenological consequences of having neutrinos with Dirac masses instead of Majorana masses as assumed in most of the current literature. In order to carry out this analysis, we propose new five-zero textures for the mass matrices of the leptonic sector. From our approach, we find new values for the neutrino masses in both, the normal and inverted hierarchy....
In the context of grand unification supersymmetric theories, we treated the properties of finite theories (finite on sense of his absence of UV divergences at any order in perturbative expansion) and his implementation to construct a model phenomenological viable and consistent with the supersymmetric version of the standard model (MSSM). One of the most interesting theoretical properties of...
The seesaw mechanism has remained the most elegant scheme to explain the smallness of the neutrino masses without having to unnaturally fine tune the Yukawa couplings to arbitrary small values. In the so-called type-III seesaw, three triplet fermions under SU(2) are added to the standard model particle contents. Once these heavy leptons are integrated out from the theory, the dimension-5...
One of the challenges of the CMS detector is to get a good and reliable data, hence it is
necessary to work with more versatile, more compact and resistance devices, so the CMS
collaboration scheduled from 2024 to mid-2026 an upgrade program called High-Luminosity
LHC (HL-LHC) Phase 2, CMS detector will have a completely new silicon tracking detector.
The work proposed is to carry out test...
We study several Dp+c.c. and Dp+c.c. prompt systems, inclusively produced from
pp collisions at the LHCb experiment, in order to perform singly charmed hadron
spectroscopy studies. We have observed a structure near at the threshold on D0p
sample, and a hint of structure on D+p sample connected with its Isospin partner
on D0p. Measurements of their masses and widths are reported.
Knowledge of the fragmentation fractions of ${B_{s}^{0}\left ( f_{s} \right )} $ hadron is essential for determining absolute branching fractions ($\beta$) of decays of these hadrons in various (rare) processes at the LHC. One example is the rare disintegration ${B_{s}^{0}\rightarrow u^{+}u^{-}}$ , this fragmentation process can not be reliably predicted because it is driven by strong dynamics...
En física de sabores pesados, las desintegraciones a tres cuerpos son ampliamente utilizadas en el estudio de la dinámica fuerte, así como en la extracción de fases fuertes y débiles, por ejemplo, medidas de violación CP. El modelo isobar, describe este tipo de desintegraciones como una suma de procesos de desintegración a dos cuerpos mediados por resonancias, pero deja por fuera efectos de la...
Theoretical study of the leptonic decay of the D-meson, where the bound state of the two quarks decays through a W, results in two leptons, the branching fractions are calculated having very similar results to the experimental data.
I study the weak three-body decay $B^0 \rightarrow K^0_s K^+ K^-$ at the LHCb experiment (Large Hadron Collider beauty) in the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) at CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire). We validate the current results from Run 1 (2010-2012) and study the expected results for Run 2 (2015-2018) and Run 3 (2021-). The simulation of the experimental conditions like the...
We present a non-universal $U(1)_{X}$ extension and an additional global anomala Peccei-Quinn (PQ) symmetry to the standard model (SM). The scheme proposed allow us to distinguish among fermion families without introducing additional discrete symmetries and generating the correct ansatz of mass matrix to obtain the fermionic mass spectrum in SM. The symmetry breakdown is performed by two...
We study the dark matter stability due to the existence of an additional U(1) gauge symmetry. Furthermore, we
generate neutrino masses at the radiative level via an effective dimension five Weinberg operator. The presence
of an extra Abelian symmetry allows accommodating the recent LHCb anomalies in B → K(K∗)μ+μ− decays, by fixing some parameters of the model.
We study two newly discovered classes of radio sources: the highly energetic, short-lived events, known as Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs), and a new category of compact sources known as Fanaroff-Riley type 0 radio galaxies (FR0s). Due to a possible catastrophic event origin for the FRBs and a previous correlation found with an FR0 in the gamma ray spectrum, it is possible that these radio sources...