2–6 Dec 2019
Centro Cultural, Universidad del Atlántico
America/Bogota timezone

Charm baryon spectroscopy with D0p and D+p final states at LHCb experiment

4 Dec 2019, 17:35
Teatrino 1 (Centro Cultural, Universidad del Atlántico)

Teatrino 1

Centro Cultural, Universidad del Atlántico

Universidad del Atlántico Carrera 30 No. 8-49 Puerto Colombia, Atlántico


Ignacio Alberto Monroy Canon (Universidad Nacional de Colombia (CO))


We study several Dp+c.c. and Dp+c.c. prompt systems, inclusively produced from
pp collisions at the LHCb experiment, in order to perform singly charmed hadron
spectroscopy studies. We have observed a structure near at the threshold on D0p
sample, and a hint of structure on D+p sample connected with its Isospin partner
on D0p. Measurements of their masses and widths are reported.


Ignacio Alberto Monroy Canon (Universidad Nacional de Colombia (CO))

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