2–6 Dec 2019
Centro Cultural, Universidad del Atlántico
America/Bogota timezone

Heavy quarks within the electroweak multiplet

4 Dec 2019, 15:20
Teatrino 1 (Centro Cultural, Universidad del Atlántico)

Teatrino 1

Centro Cultural, Universidad del Atlántico

Universidad del Atlántico Carrera 30 No. 8-49 Puerto Colombia, Atlántico


Prof. Jaime Besprosvany (Instituto de Física, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)


Standard-model fields and their associated electroweak Lagrangian are equivalently expressed in a shared spin basis. The scalar-vector terms are written with scalar-operator components acting on quark-doublet elements, and shown to be parametrization-invariant. Such terms, and the t- and b-quark Yukawa terms are linked by the identification of the common mass-generating Higgs operating upon the other fields, after acquiring a vacuum expectation value $v$. Thus, the customary vector masses are related to the fermions', fixing the t-quark mass $m_t$ with the relation $m^2_t+m^2_b=v^2/2$ either for maximal hierarchy, or given the b-quark mass $m_b$. A sum rule is derived for all quark masses that generalizes this restriction. An interpretation follows that electroweak bosons and heavy quarks belong in a multiplet.


Prof. Jaime Besprosvany (Instituto de Física, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) Dr Ricardo Romero (Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniría, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana)

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