2–6 Dec 2019
Centro Cultural, Universidad del Atlántico
America/Bogota timezone

Dark matter in Inert Doublet Model with one scalar singlet and $U(1)_X$ gauge symmetry

4 Dec 2019, 16:00
Teatrino 1 (Centro Cultural, Universidad del Atlántico)

Teatrino 1

Centro Cultural, Universidad del Atlántico

Universidad del Atlántico Carrera 30 No. 8-49 Puerto Colombia, Atlántico


Marco Antonio Arroyo Ureña


he study of the abundance of dark matter is carried out in an extension of the standard model with an additional gauge symmetry $U(1)_X$. The considered extension includes two doublet and one complex singlet of scalar fields. The dark matter candidate arises from the second doublet scalar field meanwhile the singlet and first doublet scalar fields provide additional portals to the relic density. We also analyze in detail the stability of the dark matter candidate through the introduction of the discrete $Z_2$ symmetry or with the same gauge symmetry $U(1)_X$. We find constraints on the model parameter space which are in agreement with (i) the most up-to-date experimental results reported by CMS and ATLAS collaborations, namely, signal strengths $\mathcal{R}_{x\bar{x}}$; (ii) upper limit on WIMP-nucleon cross section imposed by XENON1T collaboration and (iii) upper limit on the production cross-section of a $Z^{\prime}$ gauge boson times the branching ratio of the $Z^{\prime}$ boson decaying into $\ell^-\ell^+$, with $\ell=e,\,\mu$. Subsequently these constraints are used to compute the relic density reported by the PLANCK collaboration and we find that also satisfy it. Considering all constraints, we find regions that include light, intermediate and heavy dark matter candidate mass.


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