Decayings that have a lepton flavor violation (LFV) are affected by the standard model (SM). However, from recent observations at the LHC, some limits have been found for these types of processes that show a change in flavor, up to a confidence level of 3𝜎. In particular, the process ℎ → 𝜏𝜇 seems to maintain a higher decay ratio (branching ratio) 𝐵𝑅 (ℎ → 𝜏𝜇) 𝐵𝑅𝜏𝜇, compared to other channels. In this work we study the width of decay Γ (ℎ → 𝜏𝜇) Γ𝜏𝜇 and 𝐵𝑅𝜏𝜇 for this decay. The specification of both parameters is made using the following premises: The theoretical framework is that of the SM, but considers the neutrinos with mass, Both, 't Hooft - Feyman, and Unitary gauges, are used in the calculation:, The Low Energy Theorems (LETs) technique is used to make the calculus to a one loop approach. In the end, the result obtained is contrasted with other results reported in the literature that have been performed using some other calculation techniques.