3–7 Dec 2018
Santiago de Cali, Colombia
America/Bogota timezone

Strong gravitational radiation from a simple dark matter model

3 Dec 2018, 11:30
Auditorio Auxiliar del Aula Máxima (Bloque 3, Piso 4)) (Santiago de Cali, Colombia)

Auditorio Auxiliar del Aula Máxima (Bloque 3, Piso 4))

Santiago de Cali, Colombia

Universidad Santiago de Cali, Calle 5 # 62-00 (Barrio Pampalinda)
Parallel talk


Dr Camilo Garcia Cely (DESY)


A rather minimal possibility is that dark matter consists of the gauge bosons of a
spontaneously broken symmetry. Here we explore the possibility of detecting the gravitational waves produced by the phase transition associated with such breaking. Particularly promising for LISA is the super-cool dark matter regime,
with DM masses above 100 TeV, for which we find that the gravitational wave signal
is notably strong. ONLINE TALK.


Presentation materials