3–7 Dec 2018
Santiago de Cali, Colombia
America/Bogota timezone

Looking for lepton-number-violating processes in $|\Delta L|=2$ decays of $B_s$ meson and $\Lambda_b$ baryon

7 Dec 2018, 11:30
Auditorio Pedro Elias (Bloque 4, Piso 3)

Auditorio Pedro Elias (Bloque 4, Piso 3)

Universidad Santiago de Cali, Calle 5 # 62-00 (Barrio Pampalinda)
Parallel talk


Nestor Quintero (Universidad Santiago de Cali)


Lepton-number violation can be induced by the exchange of an on-shell Majorana neutrino N in rare semileptonic $|\Delta L|=2$ decays of the $B_s$ meson and $\Lambda_b$ baryon. We investigate the production of such a heavy sterile neutrino through these four-body $\mu^+\mu^+$ channels and explore the sensitivity that can be reached at the LHCb and CMS experiments. For heavy neutrino lifetimes of $\tau_N$ = [1, 100, 1000] ps and integrated luminosities collected of 10 and 50 fb$^{-1}$ at the LHCb and 30, 300, and 3000 fb$^{-1}$ at the CMS, we find a significant sensitivity on branching fractions of the orders $\sim 10^{-9} - 10^{-8}$. In the kinematically allowed mass ranges of mN, we exclude regions on the parameter space ($m_N,|V_{\mu N}|^2$) associated with the heavy neutrino.


Nestor Quintero (Universidad Santiago de Cali)


Presentation materials