A rather minimal possibility is that dark matter consists of the gauge bosons of a
spontaneously broken symmetry. Here we explore the possibility of detecting the gravitational waves produced by the phase transition associated with such breaking. Particularly promising for LISA is the super-cool dark matter regime,
with DM masses above 100 TeV, for which we find that the gravitational wave...
We propose a new extension of the Standard Model by a U(1)B−L gauge symmetry in which the anomalies are canceled by two right-handed neutrinos plus four chiral fermions with fractional B-L charges. Two scalar fields that break the B-L symmetry and give masses to the new fermions are also required. After symmetry breaking, two neutrinos acquire Majorana masses via the seesaw mechanism leaving a...
We consider a model with $U(1)^\prime$ local gauge symmetry, additional to the Standard Model gauge symmetry, which is broken by a singlet field scalar. In addition, the scalar sector contains two doublet scalar field. One of them is the usual Standard Model doublet scalar field that breaks the electroweak symmetry, meanwhile the second one is included to introduce the Weak Interacting Massive...
In this talk we consider a model based on interacting $p-$forms and explore some cosmological applications. Restricting to gauge invariant actions, we build a general Lagrangian allowing for arbitrary interactions between the $p-$forms (including interactions with a $0-$form, scalar field) in a given background in $D$ dimensions. For simplicity, we restrict the construction to up to first...
In this work we study the cosmological implications of a Yang-Mills-Scalar theory in the
SO(3) and SU (2) representations in expanding Friedmann-Lemaı̂tre-Robertson-Walker uni-
verse. First, we show that not all configurations of the fields are compatible with an isotropic
space-time as it is claiming in literature and then, after choosing carefully a particular con-
figuration of the fields,...
The holographic dark energy could be interpreted as an infrared cut-off for modified gravity theories $f(R)$. In this approach, several reference modified gravity models can be analyzed, and a reconstruction method for different cosmological scenarios can be done. From the analysis of the autonomous system and the stability of perturbations to the dark energy sector, it was found that the...
A stationary worldline is one of the most simple non-trivial motions in physics. Point charges moving along these trajectories emit constant radiative power. The angular distribution of this power is found for all stationary worldlines including those with torsion and hypertorsion.
The \textit{Neutrino Experiment with a Xenon TPC} (NEXT-100) is a detector scheduled to start searching for $\beta\beta0\nu$ decays in $^{136}$Xe in 2020 at the Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc (LSC), in Spain. The concept of a high pressure xenon gas time projection chamber with electroluminescent amplification (EL HPGXe TPC) offers an excellent energy resolution ($0.5 - 0.7\%$ FWHM at...
Realization of B-L models for neutrino masses and dark matter
The inclusion of heavy neutral leptons to the Standard Model particle content could provide solutions to many open questions in particle physics and cosmology. The modification of the charged and neutral currents from active-sterile mixing of neutral leptons can provide novel signatures in Standard Model processes. We revisit the displaced vertex signature that could occur in collisions at the...
Top partners and vector/scalar resonances are coupled in a interplaying Composite Higgs framework. The entailed phenomenology is analysed via resonances decay channels and top partners production mechanisms. Recent LHC searches for vector-like quarks production in pp-collisions at 13 TeV have been imposed to exclude regions of the underlying parameter spaces. Furthermore, the WIMP-nucleon...
We study possible top quark spin correlation effects in Dark Matter (DM) production in association with top quarks at the LHC. Final states and their kinematic properties are studied in detail at the 14 TeV LHC. We show some preliminary results of angular correlations and distributions of the top quarks which may allow us to explore the DM interactions.
In the limit of an approximate $\mu-\tau$ symmetry in the neutrino mass matrix, we explore deviations to the Tri-Bi-Maximal mixing pattern in the neutrino sector. The correction matrix is parametrized as $U_{ij}(\phi,\sigma)U(\alpha_1,\alpha_2)$, where $\phi$ is the rotation angle in the $ij$ flavors, and $\sigma$, $\alpha_1$ and $\alpha_2$ are complex phases. We show that the $ij=13$ and $23$...
In this work we propose an extension to the Standard Model in which we consider a type-III two-Higgs-doublet model (2HDM-III) plus massive neutrinos and the horizontal flavor symmetry S3. Where the Yukawa matrices in the flavor-adapted basis are represented by means of a matrix with two texture zeros. Also, the active neutrinos are considered as Majorana particles and their masses are...
A search for supersymmetric particles produced in the vector-boson fusion topology is presented. The search targets final states with one or zero leptons, large missing transverse momentum (transverse missing momentum), and two jets with a large separation in rapidity. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 /fb of proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV collected with...
We study the potential of the LHC accelerator, and a future 33 TeV proton collider, to observe the production of a light top squark pair in association with the lightest Higgs boson (${{\tilde t}_1} {{\tilde t}_1}^* h_1$), as predicted by the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM). We scan randomly about ten million points of the NMSSM parameter space, allowing all possible...
We propose an experimental search for physics beyond the standard model at the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment, using as benchmark a supersymmetric model in the electroweak sector. We focus in final states containing a hadronic tau, a jet from initial state radiation and a large imbalance of energy in the transverse plane of the detector. The search focuses in compressed mass spectra...
In this talk, we will describe a toy model to approach the QGP phenomenology based on the so-called AdS/QCD Soft Wall Model, defined by the presence of static quadratic dilaton in the background. We will focus on the photon emission analyzed from the Schrödinger-like holographic potentials and, the drag force calculated from open strings propagating in the AdS-black-hole (Schwartzchild and...
Lepton-number violation can be induced by the exchange of an on-shell Majorana neutrino N in rare semileptonic $|\Delta L|=2$ decays of the $B_s$ meson and $\Lambda_b$ baryon. We investigate the production of such a heavy sterile neutrino through these four-body $\mu^+\mu^+$ channels and explore the sensitivity that can be reached at the LHCb and CMS experiments. For heavy neutrino lifetimes...
For Majorana neutrino masses the lowest dimensional operator possible is the Weinberg operator at d = 5. Here we discuss the possibility that neutrino masses originate from higher dimensional operators. Specifically, we consider all tree-level decompositions of the d = 9, d = 11 and d = 13 neutrino mass operators. Despite the large number of possible models, we found only very few genuine...
We present the most general solutions for the charges of a nonuniversal $Z'$ model with the same content of fermions of the
standard model plus three
right-handed neutrinos. From our analysis,
we show the existence of three different scenarios which, as far as we know, are new in the literature.
However, these solutions reduce to very well-known cases for particular choices of the free...
We reconsider the old attempts to describe effectively the interactions of light vectorial resonances as Yang-Mills fields of a hidden local symmetry. Coupling the vectors to pions and other light pseudoscalars in the framework of the large $N_f$ limit ($N_f$ being the number of isospin flavors) we calculate corrections to the pion form factors and pion-pion scattering amplitudes in energy...
Within the last 30 years, the sub-field of ultra-high energy cosmic ray (UHECR) astronomy has emerged as a vibrant experimental and theoretical sub-field within the larger field of particle astrophysics, comprising studies of both charged and neutral particles at energies greater than 1 EeV. The physics interest in UHECR lies in understanding the nature of the cosmic accelerators capable of...
The Rivet toolkit is introduced as an useful package for the analysis of simulated events in particle physics and its direct comparison with experimental data. A special emphasis is made on the Monte Carlo algorithms for the generation of events and their extension to NLO in perturbation theory. A simulation for the production of $b$-flavoured hadrons is made for proton-proton collisions at a...
We analyze here the mass spectrum of light vector and scalar mesons applying a novel approach where a modified soft wall model that includes a UV-cutoff at a finite $z$-position in the AdS space is used, thus introducing an extra energy scale. For this model, we found that the masses for the scalar and vector spectra are well fitted within $\delta_{RMS}=7.64\%$ for these states, with...
In this work, it is proposed to investigate the composite Higgs scenario, in order to explain or solve problems presented by the standard model of elementary particle physics. For this, it is proposed to study in the first instance the problem of hierarchy and later build an effective Lagrangian through the formalism of Callan-Coleman-Wess-Zumino in the composite model. In this formalism, the...
In this work we present a review of the anomalies generated by the transition $b \rightarrow c l \nu$, where $l=e, \mu, \tau$. Specifically anomalies $R(D)$, $R(D^*)$, $R(J/\psi)$ are studied, including all possible four-Fermi operators in the effective Lagrangian that induce new physics to these ratios.
We report a new limit on the space-time variation in the fine-structure constant (α= e^2/(4πε_0 ℏc)) obtained from analysis of the Mg II line from quasar J110325-264515 at z_abs=1.8389. We find ∆α/α=(-0.155±0.728)×〖10〗^(-6) by a comparison of quasar spectra of Mg II with spectra used in a laboratory. The result obtained in this work is used to suggest further improvement in observational...
We study several $Dp$+c.c. and $\bar{D}p$+c.c. prompt systems, inclusively produced from $pp$ collisions at the LHCb experiment, in order to perform singly charmed hadronspectroscopy studies.
I study the weak three-body decay B0 -> KsKK generated at the LHCb experiment (Large Hadron Collider beauty) in the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) at CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire). Validating the current results from run 1 (2010-2012) and run 2 (2015-2017) and studying the expected results from run 3 (2019-2022). The simulation of the experimental conditions for run 3 like...
Special relativity - which deserves more attention than it is normally granted in courses in mechanics and electrodynamics - is the gateway to the study of fundamental physics and the technological use of information networks, global positioning systems (GPS) and different information technologies that also embrace condensed matter. Observing the broad panorama of work posed by relativity, it...
A nonuniversal abelian extension $\mathrm{U(1)}_{X}$ free from chiral anomalies is introduced into the Standard Model (SM), in order to evaluate its suitability in addressing the fermion mass hierarchy (FMH) by using seesaw mechanisms (SSM). In order to break the electroweak symmetry, three Higgs doublets are introduced, which give mass at tree-level to the top and bottom quarks, and the muon...
We perform a complete analysis of the consistency of the singlet-triplet scotogenic model that focus in explain the dark matter (DM) and the neutrino masses of the stadard model to one-loop. We aisle the parameter space that is in agreement with the relic density of DM reported by the Plank satellite and the recent fits to the neutrino parameters. Even more, we aisle the parameter space that...
The high energys group of the University of Nariño works in one of the most recent applications using atmospheric muons for the study of the internal structure of Galeras volcano through scintillation detectors. For this type of study, the characterization of the site where the detector will be installed is important.
In this poster, we intend to explain the estimation of the atmospheric...
Since the elegant proposal of a new way to represent neutrinos [1] as linear combinations of new mass eigenstates, it has become a great challenge to not only understand how this process works in nature but to measure the combinations rates, and directly detect neutrinos. With the indirect detection of neutrinos and later confirmation of oscillations, neutrino physicists today focus on...
We consider the extension of the Standard Model with $SU(3)_C\times SU(2)_R \times SU(2)_L \times U(1)_{Y\prime}$ gauge symmetry and additional exotic fermions known as mirror fermions. A double seesaw approach method is performed to fit the neutrino masses with normal hierarchy. We calculate the decay rates for heavy neutrino for different channels, and we find that their branching ratios...
We study the capability of angular and polarization observables to disentangle different new physics contributions to the production of heavy sterile Majorana neutrinos in the lepton number violating channels $e^−p→l^+_j+3jets$ ($l_j$≡e,μ) and $e^+e^−→τ^+τ^++4jets$ in electron-proton and electron-positron colliders. This is done investigating the angular and polarization trails of effective...
We will revise one of the methods given in the literature to determine the necessary and sufficient conditions that the parameters must satisfy to have a stable scalar potential in the general two-Higgs doublet model. We will give a procedure that facilitates finding the conditions for stability of a scalar potential. The stability guarantees that the scalar potential has a global minimum,...
In this poster I will present the simulation of a signal that could be found in the High Luminosity
Large Hadron Collider. The signal represents a candidate for dark matter (DM) , based on models
with extra partciles from the known standard model particles, an extra vector-like fermion doublet
and a scalar DM candidate. The signal is thought to be consistent with photon excesses coming
Exact unbroken supersymmetry implies that particles and their superpartners would have the same mass and therefore it should be able to recreate them in high energy particle accelerators. However, the lack of evidence for the existence of this superpartners suggests that if nature is, in fact, supersymmetric it must be spontaneously broken so the superpartners become much heavier than their...
An extension of the Standard Model of elementary particles (SM) is studied to explain the mass hierarchy of fermions. This extension is based on the assumption of a new non-universal abelian U (1) 'interaction, which introduces extra fermions for the cancellation of chiral anomalies. As a consequence, an extended scalar sector is necessary to use, which consists of three doublets and one Higgs...
We study the Casimir Effect as a product of continue fluctuations on the vacuum space between a system of two parallel conducting plates that confine different types of fields as scalar, electromagnetic and spinor field analyzing each one of them at zero and finite temperature and finding, at calculate the vacuum energy, that always exists an attractive force, that in each cases is different,...
By not knowing the nature of the particles that make up dark matter, it is inferred that it acts forming a plasma or "dark thermal medium" that fills the space (intergalactic region), interacting to a greater or lesser degree with particles of ordinary matter (standard model particles) that are immersed in it.
In the work I'm developing, I analyze the properties of the SM fermions that can be...
The implementation of the Type I seesaw mechanism for neutrino masses in the context of left-right theories where parity is spontaneously broken is investigated. We propose a simple left-right symmetric theory where neutrino masses are generated through of seesaw mechanism Type I. We study the left-right symmetric model, which has a totally real Lagrangian density of Yukawa, to avoid explicit...
General Two Higgs Doublet Models (2HDM) are popular Standard Model extensions but feature flavor changing interactions and lack neutrino masses. We revisit a 2HDM where neutrino masses are generated via type I seesaw and propose an extension where neutrino masses are generated via a type II seesaw mechanism and flavor changing interactions are absent via the presence of a U(1) gauge symmetry....