This is the third Colombian Meeting on High Energy Physics (3rd ComHEP), following very successful meetings in 2016 and 2017. We hope to bring together young and senior particle physicists from Colombia and abroad, to discuss recent progress in particle physics, cosmology and related areas. The program of the meeting will address a broad range of topics, such as:
- Standard Model and beyond
- Neutrino physics
- Hadron and flavor physics
- Dark matter
- Cosmology
- Cosmic rays
- Future experiments
The third edition of this meeting will be held from December 3 to 7, 2018, at the Universidad Santiago de Cali, Cali, Colombia.
For a limited number of students presenting a parallel talk or a poster there will be a support consisting in NO fee payment .
Invited Talks:
Omar G. Miranda (CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico) – Neutrino physics in the precision era
Arnaud Ferrari (Uppsala University, Sweden) – BSM Higgs with ATLAS
Jorge Noreña (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile) – Cosmology: Soft theorems in inflation and observations
Farinaldo Queiroz (Universidad Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil) – Dark Matter
David Martínez (South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, USA) – Reactor Neutrinos
Alberto Correa Dos Reis (CBPF, Brazil) – Latest charm and beauty results in LHCb
Eduardo Peinado (UNAM, Mexico) - Neutrino mass models and dark matter
Andrés Florez (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia) – CMS highlights
Deywis Moreno (Universidad Antonio Nariño, Colombia) – Long-based neutrino experiments
Yeinzon Rodríguez (Universidad Industrial de Santander & Universidad Antonio Nariño, Colombia) – Gravity waves speed in the non-Abelian Galileon vector theory
Carlos Argüelles (Universidad Nacional de la Plata - CONICET, Argentina) – Selfgravitating systems of elementary particles as models for dark matter halos & structure formation.
Important dates:
Registration deadline: Closed
Deadline for abstract submission: Closed
Deadline for requesting financial support: Closed
Supporting institutions: