Plenary session Wednesday Morning 1
- Edson Carquin Lopez (Federico Santa Maria Technical University (CL))
SND@LHC is a compact and stand-alone experiment to perform measurements with neutrinos produced at the LHC in a hitherto unexplored pseudo-rapidity region of 7.2 < 𝜂 < 8.6, complementary to all the other experiments at the LHC. The experiment is located 480 m downstream of IP1 in the unused TI18 tunnel. The detector is composed of a hybrid system based on an 800 kg target mass of tungsten...
The wealth of data and an optimized detector configuration has enabled PHENIX to perform an extensive study on the evolution of medium effects from small to large systems. An insight into the properties of Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) is obtained through detailed measurements of the direct photons, 𝜋0-hadron correlation, non-photonic electrons, and 𝐽/𝜓 flow with a large statistics of data...