In this work, we study the photon spectrum produced by the Hawking radiation from a primordial black hole (PBH). We focus on the last stages before full evaporation. The spectrum is estimated using the black body approach and Hawking's emission formula. The connection between both descriptions is discussed. Furthermore, through analytical approximations for the greybody factors at the high...
We propose a predictive model based on the $SU(3)_C \times SU(3)_L \times U(1)_X \times U(1)_{Lg}~$ gauge symmetry, supplemented by the $S_4$ family symmetry and auxiliary cyclic symmetries whose spontaneous breaking produces the observed SM fermion mass and mixing pattern. The masses of the neutrinos are produced by an inverse seesaw mechanism mediated by the right-handed Majorana neutrinos....
We propose two extended 3HDM theories where the SM gauge symmetry is enlarged by the inclusion of the spontaneously broken $S_4$ discrete symmetry group, supplemented by the preserved $Z_2$ and broken $Z_4$ cyclic symmetries. The first one has an extra inert scalar singlet field, whereas the second one has an inert scalar doublet. Both models yield the same structure of the mass matrices for...
One of the current topics in Particle Physics is the attempt to understand the nature of dark matter, through the predictions of simplified but realistic models. In this case we will focus on the Minimal Vectorial Dark Matter Model [1], where dark matter is the neutral component of a massive spin 1 field that transforms into the adjoint representation of $SU(2)_L$. The model has two free...
The Schwinger mechanism predicts the production of an electron-positron pair through the decay of an extremely strong electric field. The electro-magnetic dual of this process would produce magnetic monopoles (MMs) - if they exist - in sufficiently strong magnetic fields. The 2018 lead ion collisions at the LHC produced the strongest magnetic fields in the known Universe. The MoEDAL detectors...
With large active volume sizes dark matter direct detection experiments are sensitive to solar neutrino fluxes. Nuclear recoil signals are induced by $^{8}B$ neutrinos, while electron recoils are mainly generated by the pp flux. Measurements of both processes offer an opportunity to test neutrino properties at low thresholds with fairly low backgrounds. In this work we study the sensitivity of...
Assumed a test magnetic dipole (MD) moment contains positive magnetic charge on its North Pole. Laws of physics tell that an accelerating object can lose applied (external) energy. In the case of a test MD-moment undergone free fall, its mass keeping constant in allowing to pass through the region B1B1 of a positively diverged magnetic (PDM) field contained 1d box on condition that Δv/Δt =...
A vital issue in making accurate predictions in QCD is establishing the renormalization scale $\mu_r$ to determine the correct running coupling in the perturbative expansion. In conventional scaling, the renormalization scale is set to the typical process scale $Q$, and errors are estimated by scaling over a range of two $[Q/2,2Q]$. This procedure introduces a considerable ambiguity in the...