We study the semileptonic weak decays of the Bc meson decaying to axial-vector (A) mesons in the final state for bottom-conserving decay modes. We use the self-consistent covariant light-front quark model (CLF QM) to eliminate the inconsistencies in the traditional type-I CLF QM. We establish the self-consistency for Bc → A meson transition form factors and ensure that these form factors are free from zero-mode contributions. Further, we show that the problems of inconsistency and violation of covariance of CLF QM are resolved in self-consistent CLF QM for Bc → A transitions. We employ a vector meson dominance-inspired q2 dependence to determine the form factors within the space-like region and then extrapolate these form factors into the time-like region. Additionally, we predict the branching ratios of the semileptonic weak decays of Bc meson to quantify the effects of self-consistency in these decays. Furthermore, we evaluate the lepton mass effect on these branching ratios and other experimentally important physical observables.
Field of contribution | Phenomenology |