In this work[1], we examine the constraints coming from the leptonic sector on the parameter space of the alternative left-right model. These left-right scenarios emerge from the breaking of a grand unified theory based on the $E_6$ symmetry group and introduces new exotic quarks and light bosons in its particle spectrum. For the current exploration, we focused on both flavour-conserving observables, the muon anomalous magnetic moment, and flavour-violating processes, $\mu \to e \gamma $ decay and $\mu-e$ conversion in Al, Ti and Au nuclei. We performed the multi-dimensional scans of the model parameter space and showed that the contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment remain below the experimental measured value at 2$\sigma$. However, the current and future experimental sensitivities to flavour-violating muon processes are expected to put lower bounds on the mass of the peculiar $SU(2)_R$ gauge boson of the model. This provides complementary constraints relative to existing limits, which are indirect and derived from collider bounds on the mass of the associated neutral gauge boson $Z^\prime$.
References: 1. M.~Frank, B.~Fuks, S.~K.~Garg, C.~Majumdar, P.~Poulose and S.~Senapati,``Leptonic probes of Alternative Left-Right Symmetric Models,'' [arXiv:2409.15218 [hep-ph]].
Acknowledgements: The work of SKG has been supported by SERB, DST, India through grant TAR/2023/000116. SKG acknowledges Manipal Centre for Natural Sciences, Centre of Excellence, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) for facilities and support.
Field of contribution | Phenomenology |