19–23 Dec 2024
Swatantrata Bhavan, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Study of inclusive B meson decays to Ds meson

Not scheduled
Swatantrata Bhavan, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

Swatantrata Bhavan, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

Department of Physics, I.Sc., Banaras Hindu University, 221005 Varanasi, India
Postar Quark and lepton flavour physics




The dominant process for the decay of a b quark is $b \to cW^{*-}$, resulting in a flavor correlated c quark and a virtual W. The decay of W boson produces either a $\bar{u}$d or $\bar{c}$s quark pair,both processes are Cabibbo-allowed and $\bar{c}$s is suppressed only by a phase-space factor. We present an analysis of inclusive $B^-$ and $\bar{B^0}$ meson decays to correlated $D_s^+$X and anti-correlated $D_s^-$X using Belle II simulated data sample corresponding to integrated luminosity of 1 $ab^{-1}$ at the $\Upsilon(4S)$ resonance. Events are selected by completely reconstructing one B meson and searching for a bound state with charm quark in the rest of the event. Reconstruction and selection of reconstructed B are performed in FEI (Full Event Interpretation). This study provides the evidence for correlated $D_s^+$ production, which is not well-understood and less common process. This will help us deepen our understanding and improve old measurements on $\bar{B} \to D_s X$.

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