19–23 Dec 2024
Swatantrata Bhavan, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Isolating Hard Gluon Bremsstrahlung Contributions in High-Energy Collisions.

Not scheduled
Swatantrata Bhavan, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

Swatantrata Bhavan, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

Department of Physics, I.Sc., Banaras Hindu University, 221005 Varanasi, India
Postar Heavy ion and QCD


Mrs Upasana Sharma (University of Jammu)


In high-energy collisions, understanding the contribution of hard gluon Bremsstrahlung is crucial for accurate particle interaction modeling. This study investigates the mechanisms by which hard gluon emissions influence the overall event structure and multiplicity distributions. By employing advanced simulation techniques and event generators, we systematically isolate the effects of hard gluon Bremsstrahlung from other background contributions. This provides insights into the interplay between hard and soft processes in small collision systems, enhancing our understanding of perturbative and non-perturbative QCD effects. The findings are expected to have significant implications for future experimental analyses and theoretical frameworks in high-energy physics.

Field of contribution Phenomenology


Mrs Upasana Sharma (University of Jammu)

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