9–11 Aug 2024
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Parallel Session Talks

Day 1 Session 1

Timing Name Title of The Talk
5.45pm-6.00pm Nivedita Ghosh Search for light long-lived particles at future colliders
6.00pm-6.15pm Sanchari Bhattacharyya Search for Heavy Higgs bosons at the LHC
6.15pm-6.30pm Arpita Mondal Exploring neutrino masses and mixings in R-Parity Violating Supersymmetry
6.30pm-6.45pm Siddhartha Karmakar SMEFT implications and effects beyond SMEFT
6.45pm-7.00pm Tousik Samui Dynamic Radius Jet Clustering Algorithm


Day 1 Session 2

Timing Name Title of The Talk
5.45pm-6.00pm Priyank Parashari Probing New Physics with JWST Observations of High Redshift Galaxies
6.00pm-6.15pm Abhishek Dubey Search for dark matter decay and annihilation using observation by Tibet ASγ and LHAASO
6.15pm-6.30pm Shubham Dutta Search for Dark Matter Produced in Association with a Higgs Boson Decaying to Two Photons using Run2 data at CMS
6.30pm-6.45pm Samadrita Mukherjee Leptophilic ALPs with TWIST data for polarized muon decays
6.45pm-7.00pm Dibya S. Chattopadhyay Shedding Light on axion through obscure magnetars


Day 2 Session 1

Timing Name Title of Talk
2:15pm-2:30pm Swagata Ghosh Fermionic decay of charged Higgs boson in low
mass region in Georgi Machacek Model
2:30pm-2:45pm Neelam Singh Flavour and Collider phenomenology of the flavon
of the ZN× ZM flavour symmetry
2:45pm-3:00pm Prasanjit Aich The matrix model of two-color one-flavor QCD:
The ultra-strong coupling regime
3:00-3:15 Vartika Singh Renormalization-group improved Higgs to two
gluons decay rate
3:15-3:30 Sudeepan Datta Virtual corrections to the heavy-light quark form


Day 2 Session 2

Timing Name Title of Talk
2:15-2:30 Priyanka Sarmah Effects of Superradiance in Active Galactic Nuclei
2:30-2:45 Himanshu Verma Microlensing black hole shadows
2:45-3:00 Yashi Tiwari Towards a possible solution to the Hubble tension
with Horndeski gravity
3:00-3:15 Girish Muralidhara QCD analysis of ΔS=0 hadronic parity violation
through next-to-leading order
3:15-3:30 Dr. Anupam Ghosh Unveiling desert region in inert doublet model
assisted by Peccei-Quinn symmetry