Welcome to Indico Global!

16–18 Oct 2018
Lund university
Europe/Stockholm timezone
See you at Partikeldagarna in Lund on Tuesday!

Local organizing committee

Local organizers:

Caterina Doglioni (experimental high energy physics, Lund University)
Roman Pasechnik (theory, Lund University)

Ian Padilla and Torbjoern Lundberg - guest house booking and guest house liaison

Anna Onnerstad and Lisa Vergara - reception

Emelie Olsson and Alex Ekman - registration organization (badge, receipts)

Isabelle John - maps and directions 

Shi Qiu, Nathan Simpson, Geoffrey Mullier - computer and Vidyo support

Robin Plantey - Finn Inn / coffee breaks

Mattias Sjo and Martin Angelsmark - lunch places and maps

Geoffrey Mullier and Jessamy Mol - public lecture